DIY Chicken Jerky Treats

A few years ago, one of us received a food dehydrator for Christmas. It was a very thoughtful gift, but what would we ever do with one? It had been sitting in its box for ages until we decided to finally put it to work! Why now you ask? Well, we were at the pet... Continue Reading →

Knitting Scarves for Your Pets

There were a lot of questions about the scarf that Rosie was  recently seen wearing on our latest excursion, pictured below (left)! So we've decided to make a post about how to have your very own!  You may be surprised to know, they were all handmade, and customized to each pup. The pack all sport... Continue Reading →

Lake Tahoe 2018 Vlog

If you are interested in a behind the scenes look at our trip to Lake Tahoe, from where we went, to our newest favorite hiking spot, and how we film/take photos of the pack, this video is definitely for you! Watch it here or click if it is not loading, click the link here: Lake Tahoe... Continue Reading →

Our Saturday Hike

Whenever possible, we love taking the pack hiking. Today, we woke up at 7:45 AM and got everyone ready for the day! Anderson Lake County Park  was our destination today! After a short drive from San Jose, we arrived. Since it was a new place, we did not know what exactly to expect, but were excited... Continue Reading →

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